Mark Pomery
Senior Leader
Mark took on the Senior Leader role at Elevate Church after serving 10+ years as part of the leadership of Riverview Church. Mark is the author of two books – What The Church Family Can Learn From The Italian Family, and Living Between The Trapezes. He and his full blooded Italian wife Luisa live in the Perth area.
Luisa Pizzolante
Music Team & Prayer Team Leader
Luisa is part of the Teaching Team at Elevate Church, along with leading our Music and Prayer Teams.
Neil & Vicki Gibb
Host Team & Next Steps Team Leaders
Neil & Vicki have been part of Elevate Church for over 50 years, having served in a variety of ministry roles during that time. They lead our Hosts Team & Next Steps Team, responsible for creating warm and engaging environments and making engagement within Elevate easy. Neil & Vicki have two sons, one daughter, and two grandsons.